December 18/19, Sunday/Monday – In Transit

Long flight to Santiago, Chile via Houston.  Fortunately there were no travel delays unlike for many people coming out of the Midwest because of storms.  And those going through Buenos Aires were caught up in a strike.  For us all went smoothly.  

We did get to see a sunrise from the plane...

and we saw the Andes Mountains.

Upon arrival at customs the line was gigantic, surely several hundred people in line and a likely wait time of 2 hours.  However, a half hour in we were at a turn around when an official pulled us from the line and sent us to a customs agent for disabled persons, but currently we made it out in record time.  Yeah!!!  Holland America was well organized and met us outside customs.  Soon we were on our bus to the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago in no time.

Check in was prompt but the room wasn’t ready.  We had a leisurely lunch at the hotel and eventually got into our room.  After minimal unpacking we had an early, light dinner (ice cream) and went to bed early.

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